import string
all(c in string.hexdigits for c in s)
The hexadecimal number system, often abbreviated as "hex", is a numeral system which consist of 16 symbols (base 16). The standard numeral system we are all use to, called decimal (base 10) and utilizes ten symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Using python programming language
import the string module
the second expression iterate through the digit in s and confirm if they all are within the rage of 0 -9 ad A -F. If yes , it returns True and else, it returns false
Mostly in MS Office products, although a lot of other products will mimic the same well known key sequences as a way of enticing you to their platform.
The statement in python is as follows:
As stated as the requirement of the code segment, the statement takes as parameters a variable cube_side and a constant 3.
It then returns the volume of the cube; i.e. cube raise to power 3
<em>See full program below</em>
<em>def to_the_power_of(val,powe):</em>
<em> result = val**powe</em>
<em> print(result)</em>
<em>cube_side = float(input("Cube side: "))</em>