Answer and Explanation:
"Romeo and J *" is one of Shakespeare's most famous works and one of the most influential in French literature. this work presents a well-structured plot, a surprising ending and a love story that has never been the same, caught in family disputes and conflicts that lead to a tragic outcome. All this importance, made this work one of the most adapted in the world.
The film "Romeo and J *" released in 1968 is the adaptation of Shakespeare's play that best covers all the themes exposed by the author. This is because the work is faithful to the historical period, the history written by Shakespere, the representation of the stage directions that Shakespeare informed and even the scenery and costumes are faithful to the original work. In addition, the script was very poorly adapted, which promotes the fidelity of the adaptation to the original work.
We can agree that no other version is as faithful as this one, although many have been made. However, when we talk about adaptations of Shakespeare's work, it would not be correct to consider adaptations that present a recount of the work, because in this case, another story is presented with only elements of the story written by Shakespeare and not an adaptation of the original story.
E = mc^
In e =mc^ einstein s equation the e is energy and m is mass and c is speed of light, squared. It ahows the relation of energy with mass times the speed of light as the speed of light is constant.
Ot basiclly says that enery and mass are the same thing!!. Energy is mass compressed veey highly to make the energy solid!!
1. drank
2. did
3. saw
4. lost
5. broke
6. ate
B. John was accepted for the program, but Bill was not.