Jefferson - protect states' powers.
Hamilton - strong central government.
Jefferson and Hamilton hugely differed over whether the central government should be further powerful than the states, notably in the region of finances, since Jefferson was opposed to the creation of a national bank, and Hamilton was exceedingly in approval.
A. register the number of people
The US census takes place every 10 years to monitor population growth in our country. The census will determine congressional representation, inform the allocation of hundreds of billions in federal funding, and provide data that affects communities for the next decade. The census will also provide a snapshot of our nation—who we are, where we live, and so much more.
Positive reinforcement is based on two facts about human nature: people appreciate recognition, and they B<span>. WANT TO KNOW HOW WELL THEY ARE DOING. Hope this helps!</span>
The answer would be: Natural, Rate
Extinction can be considered a natural process because it will happen even without human's intervention.
As a human, we could only help to accelerate or decelerate the speed of extinction, for example hunting lions irresponsibly will accelerate the speed of extinction while creating a conservation will decelerate it
Ganadería industrial:
1. Se suele hacer en espacios cerrados donde los animales viven en condiciones casi que de hacinamiento con el fin de hacer más eficiente el uso del recurso físico.
2. Los animales suelen ser alimentados con concentrados específicos que tienen el efecto de estimular el crecimiento muscular y de engorde tan rápido como sea posible.
3. La producción de carne o lácteos está orientada a la gran industria, y se lleva a cabo en grandes volúmenes.
Ganadería artesanal:
1. Los animales están en espacio abierto, tanto en pequeñas fincas (minifundios), como grandes pastos (latifundios de ganadería extensiva).
2. Los animales son alimentados de forma natural, principalmente de pasto.
3. La producción suele ser a menor escala, y en muchas ocasiones, con el fin de contribuir a la manutención del pequeño ganadero y su familia.