They're definitely not landlocked: for example, Japan is placed completely on islands.
Further, Indonesia is the most populous country in Southeast Asia - so they can't be "less populous"
Also, if they were more mountaneous than the others, then Myanmar would also be listed with them.
The best answer is: they're all island nations. This is also true: they are all island nations.
It depends on where you live, really.
Gender has less on an affect on western economy than in other non-westernized countries. For example, women can hold jobs of power in the United Kingdom but not in Afghanistan. This obviously has an impact on earnings made by women in different areas of the world. Women in second and third world countries don't have the opportunities that women in first world countries do, therefore they earn less and have far less of an impact in economics worldwide. Women are also expected to take off work if they choose to start a family, while men are expected to continue working, creating not only a economic imbalance but also a power imbalance.
Increase. The more tabacco Jamestown made the larger the demand.