I think it is because Balboa considers himself a great explorer like Cristobal Colon (Cristopher Columbus) and Vespucci and the Pizarro brothers. the Of course Cristobal Colon discovered the Americas as did Vespucci whose first name was Amerigo so America was named after him. The Pizarro brothers discovered Peru with its' riches of gold and silver and the empire of the Incas.,Balboa was the first explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean by land over the isthmus of Panama. He later founded a settlement in Panama.
The study revealed, "from a hygiene viewpoint, paper towels are superior to electronic air dryers" and "drying hands thoroughly with single-use, disposable paper towels is the preferred method of hand drying." It concluded by recommending, "The provision of paper towels should be considered as a means of improving hand ...