1. Make more money 2. Become less disonantes 3. I don’t know this one
I believe the answer is: <span>reciprocal determinism
According to </span><span>reciprocal determinism, the behaviors that displayed by individuals are all caused by a direct response that they made as a response to the social situations around them. Bandura believe, these behaviors could be modified through the use of social consequences.</span>
legislative - makes laws
executive - carriss out laws
judical - evaluate laws
In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Dr. Henderson is likely to diagnose Cathy with major depressive order. The symptoms of these are shown on Cathy wherein she is unhappy and feels worthless most of the time, she does not eat or sleep well and has even contemplated suicide and has been experiencing these distressing symptoms for almost 3 weeks.