The correct answer is It will provide positive regards and display empathy and understanding towards the client.
Carl Rogers developed what woulde be known as Person-centered therapy which pointed towards developing the clients self-actualizing tendency which is described by Rogers as "an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment". Rogers asserts that an effective psychoterapist in order to facilitate the person the desired self actualizing result the psychotherapist must have some core conditions which included the display of empathy and unconditional positive regards as well as cuengruence.
Because having multiple people introduce the same bill or law is no necessary it takes the mind set of both the house and senate and plus they have many rules within both chambers of congress therefore they have to follow the rules that each member of that chamber voted on to put into place and they also have to follow the state and governmental laws as well
Do you mean Confucianism? Confucianism, also known as Ruism, is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China. It is the way of life spread or believed by Confucius.