Its purpose was to generate revenue for the federal government (to run the government and to pay the interest on its debt), and also to act as a protective barrier around newly starting domestic industries. An import tax set by tariff rates was collected by treasury agents before goods could be unloaded at U.S. ports.
It is not required by the Constitution, though all so far have been members.
The balance of oxygen and carbondioxide is maintained in the atmosphere by the oxygen released by plants during photosynthesis and carbondioxide released by human,animals etc. in the atmosphere. ... The balance of oxygen and carbondioxide is made due to respreration and photosinthesis
The correct answer to this question is: b. their personal property can be used to pay debts
Owners of a partnership are liable for the debts of the partnership unless otherwise stated in the partnership agreement.
Dominance. They all wanted power and to prove they big dog