As 1862 began, over a million men were massing for war. In a fierce struggle for Tennessee , the people of Clarksville on the Cumberland found themselves prisoners in their own homes. ... It is for a vast future also." Now in this, its second year, the war was becoming a struggle over the future of freedom.
you either go to heaven or hell
I'm a christian and I can tell you this easily. I am taught that you either go to heaven or hell depending on how you live your life. for example you go to heaven by spreading the word of God and living by his word and commandments. you go to hell by committing sins and not believing in God. but he forgives you of your sins all you have to do is ask him to forgive you.
Yes, because it’s cheap for an entire state and we can have a lot of economic benefits
The above quote is from a much larger piece of writing in which Pericles is delivering the eulogy for lost Athenian soldiers during the battle of Megaris. He continues to note that all should be equal in the eyes of the law, and that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few at length.
The speech is documented in "History of the Peloponnesian War" by Thucydides.</span>