a. emigrate
b. more
Immigration attractiveness is a factor that draws immigrants to a foreign country. A country becomes more attractive when the economic prospects are brighter than at the home-country. The degree of immigration law enforcement also helps to either attract or deter potential migrants. In recent years, wars and misgovernment have propelled millions to move boundaries. At the same time, countries are imposing migration restrictions by imposing and implementing strict laws.
b. $50.00
Intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase will be $50
Locks is a mechanism to avoid the access of records from interacting with one another either in the form of user objects for example tables and/or rows or system objects not cannot be seen by the user such as data shared in memory.
The system (Oracle) obtains all the required locks when executing the transaction request so as to avoid any hassle faced by the user and so that they don't require to be bothered by it. This way the system provides both highest degree of data monitoring with lowest restriction.
Moreover, a fail safe data integrity is provided by the system in case of any failure. This lock can also be done manually by the user.