In the decades that followed, Hitler’s formative years in Vienna and his frustrated art career became part of the myth-making—by Hitler himself and by his followers—that helped drive his fateful rise to power in Germany. As Führer, Hitler railed against modern art, calling it the “degenerate” product of Jews and Bolsheviks and a threat to the German national identity.
We are a Calvinist colony, one that believes in hard work and determination for a better life. In this colony, you will be able to finally celebrate your religion with others who also want too! You will be far away from the Catholic forces looking to take over our Calvinist country, Netherlands. Here you will be safe and sound free to practice your religion, even with no Jesuits there trying to convert you. In our colony, we work to do the best, and this can only be done with the Pre-Destination that was decided by our God.
The first enslaved Africans arrived in Hispaniola in 1501. After Portugal had succeeded in establishing sugar plantations (engenhos) in northern Brazil c. 1545, Portuguese merchants on the West African coast began to supply enslaved Africans to the sugar planters.