After his return to India he started practice as a lawyer at first in the High Court at ... From 1893 till 1913 Gandhiji practised in South Africa.
He related his story from Calypso's island until Nausicaa's help earlier that day, but failed to mention his name or the name of his kingdom.
"Alone with Alcinous and Odysseus, Arete recognizes Odysseus' clothing as her own creation and asks him who he is and who gave him his clothing. He relates his story from Calypso's island until Nausicaa's help earlier that day. Alcinous says Nausicaa should have taken him home with her directly, but Odysseus says it was his idea to follow her separately. Taken with Odysseus, Alcinous vows to help him get home".
A or b there is no wrong answer
The answer is: Boxer Rebellion
To create better crop diversity for human health and food security, farmers are working to create markets for new crops. More environmentally friendly farming techniques offset climate challenges and protect local ecological systems while securing the food and water supply.