A leader demonstrates integrity by doing the right thing even when no one else is around to witness it.
A leader does not only need to have integrity to become successful. He must also be respectful, reliable, courageous, positive, motivational, and sincere. He must also be a visionary in the sense that he already envisioned what his organization will become under his leadership.
A successful leader not only increases his value of self but also those people under his leadership. He must also serve as an inspiration for people under his leadership to become a better version of themselves.
The heart beat's 80 times a minute, about 115,000 times in one day or 42 million times in a year
<h3>Hello there i hope you are having a good day :) Your question, What healing action is taking place when a wound becomes inflamed? Answer: Phagocytes are destroying pathogens. Because Phagocytes are white blood cells so this is called pus that heals the damage. Hopefully this helps you ❤</h3>
Although all medicines are drugs, some drugs can't be used in medicines because it can kill you or pose a health risk. Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to cure, halt, or prevent disease; ease symptoms; or help in the diagnosis of illnesses. In this case, some drugs do the exact opposite: instead of curing it can kill or make your health condition worse.
Example: Cannabis/marijuana is a psychoactive drug. It can give several health risks, and it can make your mental health worse.
Family Pedigree
Family pedigree is a genetic charts of a family tree that shows the inheritance of a trait or disease from generations to generations by showing the relationships between family members, thereby indicating which individuals carry the trait through their medical histories.
A researcher who wants to examine the relatives of people with unipolar depression to see whether the disorder affects other family members should complete a FAMILY PEDIGREE study which will shown him the medical histories of each individual in the family and enable him to know whether the disease or disorder affects other family.