Savannas, or grasslands, cover almost half of Africa, more than 13 million square kilometers (5 million square miles). These grasslands make up most of central Africa, beginning south of the Sahara and the Sahel and ending north of the continents southern tip.
D. he was helping another country get rid of its king
Members of Congress from both parties do not argue with the
reports and reviews of the CBO because its nonpartisan and thus does not lean
on either side of the political divide. Its reports and reviews are unbiased
and objective aimed at ensuring prudent use of public resources
ThE DuTch WEst InDia CoMpaNy wAnted tO esTAblish A Colony iN NoRth AMERica tO tRAde GOod sUch As fURs aNd sPIces. ThIS WAs aT A tIMe wHerE mANy EUROpean naTIons wEre "sCraMBling" fOR teRRitoRy iN tHe AMEricAs.