the three nations of the Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy - stood against the three nations of the Triple Entente - France, Russia, and Great Britain
More resistant
They communicate more effectively with one another and exchange information more quickly. In addition, they can switch on and off genes that make them harmful. "These properties make the bacteria more resistant to antibiotics and to the host's immune response.
asteroid 2001 FO32
The asteroid 2001 FO32 is hurtling through space at an unusually fast speed for a space rock, about 77,000 mph (124,0000 kph), and will pass by Earth at a safe range of 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers), according to NASA. It won't come this close to Earth again until 2052.
They became precedents.
They are drawn up within the Constitution.
They cope with foreign affairs.
One of the main advantages that the owner of a field has when it comes to paying people to work is that they can often incorporate whatever is being grown into their compensation, which greatly reduces their overhead and cost.