Accounts receivable more than 60 days = $39,500
% of accounts receivable = 11.07%
The following table shows the aging schedule-
Customer Amount Owed ($) Age (days)
ABC $47,150 32
DEF 37,500 7
GHI 18,900 14
KLM 72,000 28
NOP 41,450 43
QRS 16,000 11
TUV 84,300 58
WXY 39,500 75
We have to develop a schedule with a 15 days incremental through 60 days. And we show which customers are falling in that category -
0-15 (DEF + GHI + QRS) = $(37,500 + 18,900 + 16,000) = $72,400
16-30 (KLM) = $72,000
31-45 (ABC + NOP) = $(47,150 + 41,450) = $88,600
46-60 (TUV) = $84,300
Over 60 (WXY) = $39,500
Accounts receivable more than 60 days = $39,500
Percentage of Accounts receivable = 
= 11.07%
When the Feds sells bond in open market, it INCREASE the money supply.
If the Feds want to decrease the money supply in THE ECONOMY, it can INCREASE the reserve requirements.
When the Feds increases the interest rate it pays on reserve, the money supply will DECREASE.
When Fomc decrease it target for the federal funds rate, the money supply will INCREASE.
When Citibank repays a loan it had previously taken from the Feds, it DECREASES the money supply.
The answer is C because you can't misuse your powers in business
Dafuq is this dumb site. This is some bull the verified answers where always wrong like dafuq is the point.
If the majority of service customers are satisfied, it is likely that all service customers will be satisfied. False
Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after purchase. This makes it an important part of the customer's value chain. Different industries require different levels of customer service [1], but ultimately, the idea of a well-delivered service is to increase revenue. Awareness of a successful customer service interaction depends on employees who are “adaptive to the customer's personality”. [2] Customer service is often practiced in a way that reflects the company's strategy and values. Good customer service is usually valued by customer loyalty. Customer service is part of a company's intangible assets for some companies and can differentiate them from others in their industry. A great customer service experience can change a customer's overall perception of your company. [3]
Good customer service means consistently meeting customer expectations. Good customer service is fast, easy, personal, and caring. Companies that provide excellent customer service take the time to understand the needs of their unique customer base. J.
Learn more about service customers here