There is the bully. These people may be bullying the person right in front of them or behind their backs. They are the main abuser.
There is the one who is being bullied. These people are being picked on and abused. They do not fight back, if someone does fight back it's not necessarily bullying. They are the main victim.
There is the assister. These people don't start the bullying but they also bully the victim. They could encourage it or join it.
There are the reinforcements. They don't directly get involved with bullying, but are like an audience. They support the bully and cheer them on.
There are the outsiders. They stay away from the situation and do not defend the victim or support the bully.
There are the defenders. They come to the victim's defense and speak up for them, comfort them. They support the one who is being abused.
3000 members of national peoples congress
2,980 members in 2018, it is the largest parliamentary body in the world. The National People's Congress meets in full session for roughly two weeks each year and votes on important pieces of legislation. Members are considered to be part-time legislators and are not paid.
He is having difficulty in the area of 4) pragmatics.
The term pragmatics was coined in the 1930s by psychologist Charles Morris. This subfield of linguistics studies the social language skills that we use in our interactions, how we produce and understand meanings through language while communicating with others. That means pragmatics analyzes not only what we say, but also the way we say it, our body language, facial expressions, gestures, and how appropriately we interact. It is this part that concerns Cade. He is able to express himself accurately, but still struggles with interacting with others in context. His difficulty, therefore, concerns pragmatics.
True, because if you use surveys, you can ask questions to a certain society and they will answer. Then, you will get a percentage of people that chose a specific option.