Syllable, but an action that starts with sy for dividing into syllables doesn't exist
The Narrator didn't believe Herbert at first because Herbert appeared to be very poor, and he thought he was not going to make any money off him.
The Foster Portfolio is about an investment broker who was called by Herbert Foster to look at his portfolio and manage it.
He went to Herbert's house for that purpose but was initially disappointed with the general lack of affluence of the household and its occupants.
According to the narrator "my business is handling other people’s money, and I have a great respect for money" and that he is "a salesman of good advice for rich people", so he couldn't see how he could help a man who appeared to be neither rich nor to have any money to speak of.
That was why he didn't beleive Herbert was in ned of his services.
First of all, it's important to understand what an unexpected expense is – and what it's not. There are some bills you don't have to pay every month, but these still don't count as unexpected. ... Quarterly property taxes or water/sewer bills. An auto insurance premium that comes due every six months.
"Ever since my sister hacked my Facebook account" is incomplete because it does not finish what "ever since" started.
Nathan filled the knothole in the tree to prevent Boo from giving the children gifts. To trick the children, he told them the tree was sick and the knothole needed to be filled.