C. Must be respected if we are to function as complete, self-governing agents.
<em>Privacy</em> is the boundaries that are set up to protect us against unwanted intrusion or interference, and it forms the basis of our interaction with the world.
<em>Privacy laws</em> are set-up to protect individuals from unwanted and unapproved access to privacy by individuals, organizations, and government. This is greatly adhered to in many countries.
To some extent, privacy is considered to overlap with security, because, when private information such as social security number, bank card details, account names, and details, etc. are accessed inappropriately, the individual's security is greatly compromised.
Therefore, privacy must be greatly respected if we are to function as complete, self-governing agents.
Security/Insider threats.
As much as cloud computing is good for your organization, just know that someone is looking after your data. The cloud provider does everything for you from maintenance to managing security. The bigger picture here is that users are entrusting their data to someone else. Although the work of cloud providers is to ensure that your data is safe, some are not always looking after your best interests.
Any time your data is stored on the cloud, you are at a higher risk of cyber-attack. Vulnerabilities such as DDoS attacks might occur and this single point of failure is in the cloud. As cloud computing continues to become more sophisticated, so do cyberattacks. As much as the security is right, hackers will go to any lengths to penetrate the systems.
The veins carry oxygen depleted blood away from body parts, hence the color blue.
Isn’t this for a online drivers test thing...? I believe you might want to figure this or on your own I’m sorry