When setting a goal you need to specify not only what you will do but also where and when you will do it. ... The brain recognises the situation as an opportunity to advance the goal. When the situation is detected, action is initiated automatically. If-Then plans are a good way of making new habits stick.
College students are under risk of alcohol related problems since they are normally always under pressure. Being in many classes and working hard every day and night could stress someone out brutally and could lead to alcohol as well. Some students may even see another student or a roommate of theirs drinking and they could feel a bit curious as of to why they crave such a drink.
Uh- if this made no sense or is incorrect in any kind of way please lmk!
i believe that its true because you shouldn't be uncertain of the medicine you buy you should be sure that the medicine will help. but if had to read a prompt or an article than just go based off of the facts that come from there
A pre competition meal provides the calories, nutrients, and liquids you need to complete an athletic competition. The meal should give you the energy you need to preform & prevent hunger during the competition