Phil and Don Everly from "Everly Brothers" were the first rock and roll duo inducted into the Hall of Fame. They transformed local Kentuckian country sounds into rich and cool form of rock and roll. It's one of the most significant duos in rock and roll history.
East is forward, west is backwards
George Washington was the First historian to write exclusively about the past of the African Americans. He served to be the editor, columnist, lawyer and a prolific writer who tried to bring to light the history of African Americans and their issues of racism and discrimination.
W.E. Dubois was the first historian to explore the African American culture and their integrated lifestyle.
Carter. G .Woodson was known to be the father of Black History. His works aimed to save the rich heritage of the African Americans.
After the emergence of civil rights movement. African Americans proved to be resilient to any kind of oppression and raised their voice for enfranchisement and abolition of racism.
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