Euhaline ⇒ Polyhaline ⇒ Mesohaline ⇒ Oligohaline
Let's first define each of these levels:
- Polyhaline: a category of salinity that has medium-high levels of salt
- Mesohaline: a category of salinity that has medium levels of salt
- Oligohaline: a category of salinity that has low levels of salt
- Euthaline: a category of salinity that has high levels of salt
Now, we can order these in decreasing order of salinity:
Euhaline ⇒ Polyhaline ⇒ Mesohaline ⇒ Oligohaline
social facilitation
The concept of social facilitation was first proposed by Norman Triplett. After observing a cycling event, in which he noticed that cyclist performed better when they have others around competing with them, rather than cycling alone just against time. This led him to duct an experiment where he gave some children strings to wound fishing reel. He observed that, children wound the fishing reel faster in the presence of other children performing similar task, when compared to when perform such task alone.
This concept discovered by Norman Triplett, best illustrates the concept of social facilitation, which posits that, individuals tend to perform better in the mere presence of others or when they perform a task with others, than when performing the task alone.
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Central and Peripheral
The nervous system is divided into two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.
On the other hand the peripheral nervous system includes all of the nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord and extend to other parts of the body including muscles and organs. Each part of the system plays a vital role in how information is communicated throughout the body.
The below diagram provides a schematic view of the role of each sub-division of the Nervous System.
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