The principle of recall by association means that the brain which is wired to identify patterns would more readily recall bits of information that are related or associated with one another. If they have a similar pattern, this increases the chances that the brain will find them easy to recall.
So by dividing the information from a chapter into logical units, she is simply grouping information that are related logically or that flow back and forth into one another logical. These kind of pattern is easy for the brain to recall.
Capella would makes use of long term memories which are saved in a method that are organized and systematic.
From the question given, Capella is more likely to remember information from a chapter, if she make use of a long-term memories which are stored in an organized systematic manner.It is observed that the better the processing the better is the retrieval and retention of the information.
Though some long memories may seem not improve a person's ability to retrieve all information, but if she divides the chapter into sub units or logical units, and be able to study each unit for a fixed time period, she can remember it in an organized way.
If your boss tells you to watch out then do it. Your boss is like your "guardian" at your job. Chemicals are dangerous. Its your job to listen and take your bosses advice at your job.
I hope this is what you needed and I hope this helped! :)