1) A pickpocket stole his wallet
2) The scorching sun was unbearable
3) The crowded train screeched to a halt
Tyranny, remarkable, agony, victorious, obstruct, there's a lot. It's easier to know when given words that I could replace.
1) When did she come home yesterday
2)Do you go to school on Saturday
3)Perhaps tomorrow it won't rain
4)Did they read that book
5)Has he got a new car
6)Will you buy her a present
Teresa is going to be my girl this year, he promised himself as he left the gym full of students in their new fall clothes.
The principal, Mr. Belton, spoke over the crackling loudspeaker, welcoming the students to a new year, new experiences, and new friendships.
In English, they reviewed the parts of speech. Mr. Lucas, a portly man, waddled down the aisle, asking, "What is a noun?"
The teacher wet his lips and asked something else in French. The room grew silent. Victor felt all eyes staring at him.