spanning-tree portfast bpduguard
spanning- tree protocol (STP) is a layer 2 protocol in the OSI model. It is automatically configured in a switch to prevent continual looping of BPDUs, to avoid traffic congestion. The fastport bpduguard is only applicable in non-trunking access in a switch. It is more secure to configure the fastport mode in switch port connected directly to a node, because there are still bpdus transfer in a switch to switch connection.
BPDUs Guard ensures that inferior bpdus are blocked, allowing STP to shut an access port in this regard.
Necessity is the mother of invention, technology is a tool to aid invention, and science is exploratory means to new ideas and information to approach our future with preparedness.All are necessary and need to be balanced and scrutinised.
2 I think because 2 I think is binary I’m sorry if this is wrong