<span>Altruism is a selfless behavior so the animal would behave that way because it's intention is to put others before itself.
Mutations are spontaneous and occur at random however there are some mutagenic agents which increase the chance of this happening such as radiation exposure. If it is a point shift mutation then only a few bases on the dna sequence are changed so only changes a few of the amino acids in that chain (such as inversion of a base). If its a frame shift then the base sequence is altered so much so that every amino acid from after that changes (such as deletion of a base) which can create things such as cri-du-chat syndrome which results from a piece of chromosome 5 is missing. Hope this helps:)
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I would recommend to move the slide away from the end of the viewing part of the microscope, so that if the lab partner were to adjust too much, that the viewing part of the microscope wouldn’t collide and passively crack the slide.