Answer: the Sea breeze is strongest at 3:10pm
A sea breeze or onshore breeze is any wind that blows from a large body of water toward or onto a landmass; it develops due to differences in air pressure created by the differing heat capacities of water and dry land.
Sea breezes are more localised than prevailing winds
Answer: Mas abajo detallo las accciones
- No criticar las acciones de otras culturas sin conocerlas
- Mostrar respeto y apreacion hacia las personas de otras culturas
- Preguntar cuando no se conozca sobre algo de otra cultura. Muchas veces cuando no se pregunta y se asume un significado, la otra persona puede sentirse ofendida.
- Mostrar interes cuando personas de otras culturas hablen
- Ayudarse mutuamente.
In general today, women politically participate less than men if they are married, but more if they are not
Explain: the author includeds alexanders reaction to titus's death to show the ups and down of her challenge in becoming a free african american. the author does this to show how it was not easy but she was still able to push through it. for example in the text he states "and it was then you nearly gave up the gamble". which shows alexander almost lost faith throughout her journey. referring to "gamble" as her future. in the beginning of the text she says she likes gambling because it makes her feel as if her future had something bright in it that couldnt be stopped or taken away by white people.