You could find his score for those three games by subtracting -700 and 400 to get 1100.
The correct answer to this question is that the cheetah can run 369,000
feet per hour. We can work this out in the following way:
One mile equals 1760 yards
In feet that is 3 x 1760 or 5,280
So Feet per hour will be 5280 x 70 or
369,600 feet per hour.
In order to ride on the ride an individual must be at least 4 feet tall.
This means that the individual must be equal to 4 ¾ feet tall.
h = 4 ⅓
and the individual could be greater than 4¾ feet tall.
h > 4 ¾
So the individual could be greater than and equal to 4¾ feet tall.
h ≥ 4¾
Check the picture below.
make sure your calculator is in Degree mode.