B. If you plan to adopt a kitten, please bring a pet carrier.
Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in initial position in a series of words.
So, the correct answer here is B (Great is the Golden Cat who treads) as the sound "G" is repeated in the words "great" and "golden".
In answers A, C and D no consonant sound in initial position is repeated, so there is no example of alliteration.
Demodocus for his gift of song.
In Phaeacia, Odysseus made this statement as a result of the fact that Demodocus sand a song about his quarrel with Achilles.
The statement "he respects one person "more than any man alive." made by Odysseus to Demodocus is more of an acknowledgement of how good the song was as well as a compliment.
i think about what my family would think yes, but at the same time its my life and hey cant tell me who i can and cannot date
Number 1
Tradition means a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.