I think climate change can be either fake or real. I do believe temperatures are rising, but if you look at the history of the earth, it's gone through many ice ages and changes, so I would assume that it is no big deal. There is no evidence that temperatures are rising at a deadly rate, but weather has been unpredictable for a while now. Then again, these are my thoughts on climate change, so I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong. Hope I gave some useful information!
Both parent are Heterozygous for the sickle cell allele.
Both parent have sickle cell trait in which the both posses one abnormal allele of the hemoglobin beta gene (AS heterozygous genotype)
When two AS parents mate, probability of giving birth to a sickle cell anemia child is 1/4
Air pressure would be considered to calculate wind and chill factor. Also air temperature would be considered one to.
C low competition for glucose
From the given answer choices and information,
It cannot be A since there is no visual disease or any indication of disease in the experiment
Cannot be B, since space would not be an issue since it clearly hit 111 on day 3
and cannot be D since there is no indication of a change in temperature.
However, we know Petri Dishes have nutrients to stimulate cell growth, and those resources are not unlimited therefore we can only attest that a large portion of the nutrients have been consumed and starved some of the cells thus causing a population decrease