Saturated fatty acids are chains of single bonded carbons surrounded by hydrogen atoms.
Unsaturated fatty acids have bent structures due to double bonding between carbon atoms in the chain. When carbons create double bonds with each other they are no longer able to hold as many hydrogens as a saturated fatty acid
Formation of the Earth's Atmosphere. The early Earth was very different from our Earth today. The early Earth experienced frequent impacts from asteroids and meteorites and had much more frequent volcanic eruptions. There was no life on Earth for the first billion years because the atmosphere was not suitable for life.
Various day to day use item are made because of direct from a huge amount of different microorganisms. microscopic organisms, molds, or a blend of these. Microorganism which are utilized in food creation such as alcohols, bakery products and esters are formed with fermentation.
1. Drinks like brew and wine ' - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
2. Cheese: Penicillium roqueforti and camemberti
3. Soy sauce: by utilizing aspergillus species particularly A. oryzae
4 Bread and pastry shop items : Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Yeast by producing Co2 by the process of fermentation.
5. Fermented milk items : Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and lactococcus.
Excersice increases the cardiac and skeletal muscels strenght for maximum oxygen consumption for energy output.
It lowers the blood pressure and in prove RBC count for oxygen transportation and distribution.
It cut down risk of osteoporosis, by stimulating bone growth.