El Ejército Continental fue el Ejército formado tras el estallido de la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos por las 13 colonias que más tarde se convirtieron en los Estados Unidos de América. Establecido por una resolución del Congreso Continental el 14 de junio de 1775 como un servicio paramilitar, creado para coordinar los actos militares de las Trece Colonias en su lucha contra Gran Bretaña. El general George Washington fue el Comandante en Jefe del Ejército Continental durante la Guerra.
La mayor parte del Ejército Continental fue disuelto en 1783 después del Tratado de París con el que la guerra terminó. Las unidades de soldados restantes, posiblemente, formaro
Designed as guidelines for the rebuilding of the postwar world, the points included Wilson's ideas regarding nations' conduct of foreign policy, including freedom of the seas and free trade and the concept of national self-determination, with the achievement of this through the dismantling of European empires and the.
The strengths of power that the Articles of Confederation was that:
Government signed a treaty of alliance with France in 1778.
Government successfully waged a war for independence against the British.
Government negotiated an end to the American Revolution in the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783.
Government granted the free inhabitants of each state “all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states.”
Government provided for the eventual admission of Canada into the Confederation.
Government passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which allowed the Northwest Territories to organize their own governments. It allowed the eventual admission to the Union of no more than five states, and no fewer than three, “on an equal footing with the original states.” The Ordinance also banned slavery from the region.
Government established the Departments of Foreign Affairs, War, Marine, and Treasury.
The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft—the Devil's magic—and 20 were executed.