the answer for these is all the opposite from the other
Convection current
Convection currents occur when a heated fluid expands, becoming less dense, and rises. The fluid then cools and contracts, becoming more dense, and sinks
Hot air rises because when you heat air (or any other gas for that matter), it expands. When the air expands, it becomes less dense than the air around it. The less dense hot air then floats in the more dense cold air, the cold air due to its greater density moves downward, and the cycle continues, this upward and downward movement is called convection current.
Juliet's state of mind when she requests Friar Lawrence's recommendation is edginess. Minister Lawrence goes to the churchyard since his message to Romeo was not conveyed so he needs to help Juliet when she wakes. The best depicts Juliet's comments to Paris in Friar Lawrence's cell is she talks honestly however with implications, he doesn't get it.
Coming of age ceremonies must be maintained because it is an important stage in a person's life where he/she is acknowledged as an adult, self-cofidence is increased, and responsibility is embraced.