An intermediate is a species which appears in the mechanism of a reaction, but not in the overall balanced equation. Examples: Amphibian/land vertebrate (Pederpes)- Intermediate form between primary aquatic Upper Devonian amphibians and early tetrapods. Lizard/snake (Pachyrhachis)—Intermediate form of snakes and an extinct lizard-like reptile. It was a primitive snake with limbs.
The correct answer is - zero or 0%.
The fertilization in flowering plants takes place by fusing the pollen of one plant or flower with the ovum of another plant or flower of the same species normally and form a zygote. The zygote gets an equal amount of genetic material from both parent plants by the process f exchange of the genetic material.
The ovum or the egg cell of the plant is considered as the mother and the mother is responsible for the chloroplast And mitochondria of the progeny so in this case, the ovum and egg cell comes from the only plant Q thus, the percentage of chloroplast genes provided via Plant R is 0%.
According to a day lasts 24 hrs on June 21 at the artic circle
I don't know, I ask the same thing, maybe bc it grows to long.