The Necessary and Proper Clause, also called the “Elastic Clause,” is the constitutional basis for “implied powers.”
Elastic Clause grants Congress power to pass any laws considered “necessary and proper” for effectively exercising its “enumerated” powers.
Economically, the population decrease brought by the Columbian Exchange indirectly caused a drastic labor shortage throughout the Americas, which eventually contributed to the establishment of African slavery on a vast scale in the Americas.
Job, Psalms, Proverbs and the Song of Solomon
The framers of the Constitution insisted that federal judges be nominated instead of elected due to their desire to have judges above the shifting whims of the masses.
The hope, whether achieved or not, was that federal judges would only be beholden to the law and that by not having judges be elected, they would be protected if that law dictated an outcome that ran counter to popular opinion.
Answer and Explanation:
The Supreme Court concluded that the plaintiffs (black children) have been denied their rights because, by segregating them from white children, the state laws that legitimized such segregation and established different public schools for white and black children, contravenes the Fourteenth Amendment which guarantees equality and equal protection of the law.