Igneous 5. is metamorphic 3. is sedimentary
C) organic matter; rocks.
The uppermost horizon, horizon O, in this profile is composed mostly of <u>organic matter</u>, while the lower horizon, horizon C, is composed mostly of <u>rocks.</u>
-Soil contains the following major horizons, that is A B and C. Some soils may have horizon O, which may be thin or thick or even lack in some soils. This O horizon is found at the surface of many soils and normally contains organic materials at various decomposition stages. these are materials such as plants, leaves and bugs.
-C horizon is the layer that is below the B horizon. It contains larger weathered fragments or broken up-bedrock.
Answer: To know if a document is a primary source, check to see when the document is published, if it is an autobiography of a person, a diary, a letter, or the documents happen at the time of the event.
The competition between two organisms can be seen if there is only 1 source of food or habitat space and they're competing against each other for the food or habitat.
There is cooperation between two organisms if they are helping each other with resources or alarming each other if there is danger.
Predation between two organisms happen when one organism hunts the other organism for food.
A scientific question is a question that is based on observations and that is testableThe scientist asks a new question about the impact of climate change on the species because the results of the investigation led to new scientific questions. Correct answer: C