With a light microscope one can view the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum, large vacuoles etc
The resolution of a light microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light that is the main beam of illumination. Light has approximately 0.4 um (UV)- 0.7um (Infrared) wavelength. Organelles smaller than about 0.5 um will be difficult to discern with a light microscope.
With an electron microscope one can view, in addition, even the ribosomes and mitochondria, chromosomes, tubules etc.
An electron microscope can discern very minute details of a cell. This is because its resolution is dependent on the very small wavelength of a beam of electrons which is approximately 0.002 um (about 10,000 times powerful than a light microscope)
I think what happens is that the Cyclin component of the MPF is degraded. MPF or mitosis promoting factor, consists of two important cell cycle regulatory protein called the cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases (CDK). The cdk and the cyclins are the major control switches for the cell cycle, causing the cell to move from G1 to S or G2 to M.
Evaporation of water from plants:)
Answer - 9 : 37
Allele frequency refers to how common an allele is in a population. It is determined by counting how many times the allele appears in the population then dividing by the total number of copies of the gene.