Push factors: Push factors are those factors that force an individual to leave a place. If not left the individual will have to risk something. some examples of push factors are Famine, drought, conflict or extreme religious activity.
Pull factors: pull factors are those factors that attract an individual or group to leave their home. It is the desirability of a place that attracts, also, called place utility. Better job opportunity, Better Economic activity and better living standards are are some factors in pull factor.
Employment effects
When an organization or company is established there is always the need to employ people for the smooth running of the company.
This is the major reason why countries with low unemployment rate usually have many companies in which the citizens and migrants work in than countries with higher unemployment rate.
In the example above the automobile company will give rise to employment to people.
<span>Refugees are people that choose to leave their home countries for the reason of civil wars, conflicts within races and resulted them to be disorganized etc.. There are two types of refugees.
1. People running away from civil wars and look free place to settle (peaceful)
2. People from the countries often suffer from natural disasters like tornados, vulcanic, floods and more</span>
Once energy is produced in the core of the Sun, it needs a way to travel from the solar center to the outer regions. ... In the radiation zone of the Sun the temperature is a little cooler than the core and as a result some atoms are able to remain intact.
B. Leaving a metal spoon in a bowl of hot soup will make the spoon hot as well.