Neuroscience is the process they use
Well, because it'll be very difficult to tell apart one object from another when one perceives there is an overlap between the two.
Let's remeber what Helmholtz said about perception, that it some times results from the assumptions we make about the enviroment without even being truely aware of it.
In this case, the umpire will have a really hard time judging wether it was "foul ball" or a "home run", given that his emotional status may pull him toward one call or the other.
Thankfuly, there are video-recording repetitions in baseball now.
It's Madagascar, 100% it's surrounded by the indian ocean. That is South Africa.
Answer:Purposive sampling
A purposive sampling :
A selection of the participants is done by looking at their characteristics as the overall group or population and dependent on the purpose of the study.
When one needs to tackle a target question fast without the worrying factor of proportinality this is a good sampling method to be chosen.
It can be divided into heterogeneous purposive sample and homogeneous sample .
Heterogeneous tackles various issues which relate to a particular phenomenon. Many number of participants are questioned in order to receive a broader view of the issue in question.
A homogeneous purposive sample deals with participants that have similar characteristics. The above purposive sample can be said to be a homogeneous one because the professor has an interest on the students who are all high achievers and that is their similar characteristic.