Since much of the Middle East is desert, most population centres are along river system.
- The characteristics of the Middle East of the presence of negligible vegetation and the existence of barren sandy lands tends to make it a dry and hot desert with a large expanse.
- As the Middle East faces the greatest scarcity of water than any other part of the world, the populations here prefer settling down only in close proximity to rivers.
Bourgeoisie, the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle class. In social and political theory, the notion of the bourgeoisie was largely a construct of Karl Marx (1818–83) and of those who were influenced by him.
Answer: Attitude-base choice
Explanation: Attitude-Based Choice is simply a customer choice process that involves the use of general attitudes and impression and no attribute comparison at the time of purchase.
A typical example; I wanted to buy a laptop, visiting the stores I saw lots of brands, I remembered that my uncle had brand A which works really well and it's quite portable, my friend had brand B which also works well but isn't portable and my sister had brand C which was bad.
Brand A and brand B was presented to me at almost the same price and I decided to buy brand A; this is a good illustration attitude-base choice.