is primarily motivated by his love for his country. Macduff wen to England to
gather ally with the King of England and Malcolm (Duncan's son) in overthrowing
Macbeth even if this meant that his family will be killed by Macbeth.
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d. Giving too much influence to the wealthy.
Super PACs are a type of Political Action Committees, and PACs represent pools of campaing contributions and donates that money to the political candidates, in an United States elections. They channel funds for or against a candidate or a legislation.
Super PACs are officially known as independent-expenditure only committees, established in 2012. They engage in an unlimited political spending and are not tied to any political campaign. They can raise money from either individuals or corporations, and there are no legal limits on donation size. In that way, wealthy people can influence the outcome of the elections by spending unlimited amount of money for the support of their desired candidate.
This is called trench warfare!
The name comes from the trenches, that is the ditches that the soldiers built.
This warfare was typical in the First World War and it led to frequent stalemates: the trenches are easy to defend but hard to attack so for long periods of times the front remained stable.