Agregue "does" al comienzo de la oración si el verbo es tiempo presente. Verifica si el tema de tu oración es singular. Luego, asegúrese de que el verbo esté en tiempo presente. Si ambas cosas son ciertas, agregue la palabra "does" al comienzo de la oración para convertirla en una pregunta.
Martin and Toshio differs in<u> level of optimisim.</u>
<em>Optimisim is the state whereby an individual feels the urge of success or succeeding in any given endeavor to be embarked on irrespective of whether the person has an experience in that field or not. </em>This mental state of mind differs from one individual to another and could be caused to manifest on an individual based on different factors.
Martin has a very high level of optimisim leading to him having a positive view on the physics class even though he has a weak background in science field while his friend, Toshio has a very low optimisim level, hence his pessimistic view on the idea by his friend.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior.
The way that democrats explains the lower turnout would be : There were very low levels of opposition in the Democratic party compared to the republican one
Which means that dmeocratic's candidate will tend to appeal to the states that support Democratic agenda , such as minimum wage or Carbon Tax.
Conflict in the family destroys the family<span> harmony and the harmony provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security.</span>
Mild to moderate family conflict informs parents of the changing needs and expectations of their children, signaling that adjustments in the parent-child relationship are necessary.