I have attached the relevant image below.
The image is a map of Africa, with the most relevant European settlements at the time.
As can be seen, all of them were located in subsharan Africa, because the Mediterranean coast of Africa was a region that had developed from ancient times, and that was in the control of the Ottoman Empire.
The European coastal settlements mostly cluster in west Africa, where the majority of slave ports (ports where slave were taken to the Americas) were located.
There are also some settlements in East Africa, and two settlements to the south of the Gold Coast: Luanda, an important slave port under Portugese control, and Cape Town, initially a Dutch colony.
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct answer is letter D, latent content.
Latent content is a concept created by Sigmund Freud to describe the underlying meaning of the things we say, write or do; for example, if we say "i am happy for you" but the tone we use says otherwise, the real meaning is not manifest but latent.
Jesus told the the parables about the lost sleep.
Freud came to conclude that most of the behavior is driven by forces that are way out of our control and that they can be reduced to life (eros) or dead (Thanatos) drives- These forces are strong components that can shape our decisions and are seen in a metaphor:
The unconscious is the hidden part of the iceberg where we are just barely conscious of the surface while the hidden mental processes can be traced back to childhood experiences mostly. At least according to what Freud came to conclude, the unconscious mind is mainly a deposit of sex and destructive or aggressive drives that are impossible to express at the moment of being.
They are continually either repressed or rationalized as the main mechanisms the ego has for balancing inner needs with the outer world