Methamphetamine is neurotoxic to dopaminergic neurons in the human’s midbrain. It increases the amount of the dopamine in the brain and as a result, produces the euphoria feeling that many people experience. It is also indicated that high-dose methamphetamine use can be neurotoxic to serotonin neurons (with the potential of damaging neurons)<span>.</span>
Catalyst maybe ( lower activation energy).
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that may be caused by years of heavy consumption of alcohol of gall stones. The pancreas plays major important roles such as secreting digestive juices into the small intestines, which help to digest fats, proteins, and the carbohydrates in food. It also release hormones insulin and glucagon that regulate the blood sugar. Pancreatitis is characterized by a pancreas being inflamed, therefore when this happens the body's normal complex coordination is disrupted and the enzymes in the pancreas are prematurely activated before they exit the organ, which results in these enzymes digesting the pancreatic tissue.
Answer: The DNA repair process was called recombination repair.
Explanation: A sister or homologous chromatide is used to generate recombination and be repaired in this sort of cases.
The centromeres split apart
Telophase is the last sage of cell cycle that ultimately result in the formation of daughter cells. The chromosome become more condense in this stage.
The nuclear envelope reconstructed and the cyotkinesis is under way in the telophase. The nucleolus reforms in the telophase. The centromeres are split part in the anaphase stage of the cell cycle.
Thus, the correct answer is option (3).