Cancer is an illness that has been around for years and years, but seems to just have gotten worse. The word cancer actually came from a Greek words karkinos to describe carcinoma tumors by a physician Hippocrates (460–370 B.C), but even he was not the first to discover this disease. And this is kind of where we see the origin of the sickness, which is quite some time or people to have already cracked this “code”.
I hope this completely answers your question. I’m always happy to help.
I think Mac was talking about if they would treat the Japanese well, then they will not be looking for revenge. After World War 1, they treated the Germans really bad in the peace deal and France had ruthless occupation in the Rhineland of Germany. That why the NAZI party took power, people today wonder how can such people vote Hitler in and this is why. If they would treat the Japanese like how they treated the Germans after World War 1 , there would be no peace between the Japaneses and the Americans. America fought world war 2 not to bring japan horrific occupation but a occupation with justice.
The U.S had some Reconstruction plans that would save japan from a new dictatorship. Many people wanted japan to fall and have a ruthless occupation as revenge. What I mean by "ruthless" is take the wealth away from japan and as much of the land resources as possible for revenge. Mac Arthur knew this would not only cause unrest but revenge.
They all have in common livestock