Doctors warned people to stay away from the medical tent where patients were being treated in order to avoid contagion. This means to avoid the spread or transfer of diseases or infection. Contagion means the communication of illnesses from one person to another, most especially when in close contact.
Grete Samsa, Gregor's sister, most definitely goes through a "metamorphosis" as does every member of the family. Before Gregor's change, Grete is described as a "useless" daughter. She has taken violin lessons, but she isn't very good. She doesn't leave the house often. She is timid and seemingly afraid of the world.
Answer: as the general pressed a button far out to sea rainsford saw the flash of lights they indicate a channel where there's none giant rocks with razor edges crouch like sea monsters with wide open jaws they crush a ship like i crush this nut
After aunts uncles and San Diego