Rufus King became a senator in 1789 at age 34
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an abolitionist, human rights activist and one of the first leaders of the woman’s rights movement. She came from a privileged background and decided early in life to fight for equal rights for women. Stanton worked closely with Susan B. Anthony—she was reportedly the brains behind Anthony’s brawn—for over 50 years to win the women’s right to vote. Still, her activism was not without controversy, which kept Stanton on the fringe of the women’s suffrage movement later in life, though her efforts helped bring about the eventual passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave all citizens the right to vote.
Art helps make that happen by making sure that identities and their cultures are given due recognition around the world. This is why artists believe that art is a form of creative human expression, a way of enriching the human experience.
When a law is declared to no longer be a law, it is considered to be
Repeal, overturned, or void