All the pirates uses their individual key and lock for the locking down of each the four sides of the lid of to the chest. Among the pirates, if three of them decides to open their latches, they can be able to lift the top by essentially using the fourth (locked) latch as a hinge to open the top. (We have several solutions or ways to do this.)
Geographically, the state of Ohio falls within the lines of latitude of 75 °W and 90 °W. The timezone corresponding to this portion of the globe is eastern standard time (EST). The prime meridian at 0 °, has the timezone greenwich mean time (GMT) from which all other timezones are referenced. And eastern standard time, local time in Ohio, will be 5 hours behind GMT.
D. A spike of electricity. They are fast and have a short duration.
Crosstalk, Jitter, Impulse noise.
Crosstalk is a network error that occurs when one pair of cable causes interference on another pair of cables thereby preventing efficient data transmission.
Jitter may also impair the accuracy of the data being transmitted across network because minute variations in amplitude, phase, and frequency always occur. The generation of a perfect carrier signal in an analog circuit is almost impossible. The signal may be affected by continuous and rapid network gains or phase changes.
Impulse noise (also referred to as spikes) is the primary source of errors in data communications. Impulse noise can be caused by positioning a communications cable near a source of intermittent but strong electromagnetic pulses, such as an elevator motor.
Counter measures
Shielding (protecting wires by covering them with an insulating coating) is one of the best ways to prevent impulse noise, cross-talk.
Amplifiers can be used to increase signal strength since the connection would run across 4 floors.