This isn’t twitter but anyways the answer is 29
- be aware of the online community
- don’t cyber bully
- always be friendly
The answer to this question is option "d".
In the given question option d is correct because variable-length argument is a new feature in J2SE 5.0 which stands for java 2 standard edition and 5.0 is the version name. It is the variable-length argument lists. A coder can create functions that uses a function to receive several parameter that is not specified. An argument type followed by an ellipsis(...) in the parameter list of a method means that a fixed number of arguments of that particular type is obtained by the method. and other options are not correct that can be given as:
- In option a, we do not need to use the string the variable-length argument list. That's why it is wrong.
- The option b and c are all wrong because in the last parameter the variable-length argument list is used.
That's why the answer to this question is the option "d".
Pretty much the same as in maths
That's not true. A storyboard is an organizer to plan out certain things and to know how something should look before doing the finished product.