A healthy adult heart rate can range from 60 to 100 beats per minuteduring rest. Kids' heart rates can be as low as 60 beats per minute during sleep and as high as 220 beats per minute during strenuous physical activity.
<h2>The goals of quality control are established to provide patients with optimal care.</h2>
Option 1 : This is the right answer, when we utter the word "quality" with respect to the hospital, it means that the hospital needs to provide quality treatment to the patients.
Option 2: This is invalid because, laboratory safety guidelines is equally important to maintain quality treatment.
Option 3: Increasing the number of physicians does not mean that the quality has improved. We have see from the perspective of patients and not from the growth in number in the Organization.
Option 4: This stands invalid because, if the hospital focuses only on financial profit, then the care for patients are entirely lost.
Answer: the cultural and creative art (CCA) is an integration of music, arts, drama, and dance in which students is expected to grow into and with the cultural heritage in his people.
This is true it's muscle tissue that are soft tissues that contains muscles that gives the ability to the muscles to contact.